
Friday, December 29, 2006

Can We Go - My Feelings All These Years - He Came To Die - Hello! My Name Is

Can we go
To our Lord
When we do our best
And yet still seem to fail
How much do
We try before
We can fail
Can we win
By not going
All the way

My feelings all these years
Swell up inside
Be careful and watch out
There's a leak leaking and
The dam will break

He came to die
So I can live
He came to reign
As my Saviour, my King

Hello! My name is...... is seen all around
Do we need to know their name
Would they tell us if we asked
What's in a name besides identity

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I like
    Hello my name is . . .
    I like your question, do we need to know their name? I don't know if you meant it to be funny, but it reminded me of something Greg would say and it made me chuckle.

    The part of what's in a name beside identiry
    reminds me of Romeo and Juliet
    Both Romeo and Juliet ask what's in a name. They didn't understand that you can't change your identity by changing a name.
